Saturday, May 6, 2017

The club

A simple post and invitation to the modern woman an intent to inspire & celebrate the art of fine literature.  Wanton for stimulating conversation reaching new thresholds of mind and soul liberating the humdrum unleashing the woman into the folds of discovery.  This collection of individuals unique in voice raise their glasses eager to begin this new chapter.  Humble beginnings cautious in the spoken word a careful retelling of the story.  We mark our pages, dog-eared flips with underscored plot points worthy of the talking stick.  Healthy discussion lively debate reddened cheeks for the ingénue as we move unhindered of the overt sexual undertones glancing nervously our daring foray amid virtual strangers.  We evolve.

Societal mores that shackle our thoughts our words imprison our voices become loosened in time and with the advent of the wine goblet.  A thread of comfort in the slightly inebriated state introduces enlightenment and wonder at our genius.  Enthrallment lessens honoring no longer the literary giants delving sinfully into all that stokes the fires deep in our bellies.  Boorish displays of raucous feverish activity a decided dancehall exhibitionism dethroning the puritan.

Gatherings outside the rules of the evening sucking back pints throwing darts telling our secrets.  We have bonded.  Exposing the club as the thinly veiled gaggle of bored housewives and singulars desirous for freedom from the everyday one night each month.  Passing the torch continuing the pretense of book selection keeps alive the cloak and dagger of our world.  Adding costumes and themes we are broadening our delights to explore our innermost selves in this trusted circle of friends. 

This girl.  Shy and awkward with a single seed planted has taken root.  Laughter and escape.  Freedom from judgement enjoyment in self.  A few guldens from my pocket for the wealth of sharing ideas, expression and joy with this unlikely group of women.  We are gray hairs and short skirts, cleavage and intellect.  We are loud and quiet.  Tentative and meek, daring and prideful.  The written word our bridge our friendship our mainstay.  

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